Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lexi's Last-Minute Bash

We had 5 soccer games to go to on Saturday and were not looking forward to three of them being up in Bountiful starting at 9am. Lexi's birthday is next Tuesday and we are just going to have a birthday dinner for her but on Friday she decided she wanted her soccer friends to come over after her game in the afternoon and play in the backyard. We had a 2-hour break between the end of her game and Adam's last game so we called her friends and set it up short notice and almost all of them came and just partied in the backyard. We ran to Costco and got a cake and some food and we had an impromptu birthday party for her that she loved. The funny thing is that she is still expecting her dinner birthday.

This is a few of the kids who came.

These are a couple of Adam's friends who have siblings that came for Lexi's party.

1 comment:

Nat~Nat said...

Happy Birthday Lexi!!! Wish we were there to give you a big hug!!!